Church Administration & Committees
Church Council
The Council consists of 7 members of the congregation and the pastor, serving up to two 3-year terms, except the Treasurer who is elected every year by the congregation. The Council oversees all church business, committees, social ministries, and outreach programs.

Buildings & Ground/Church Property Committee
Oversees the maintenance/repair and protection of congregational property.

Stewardship & Finance Committee
Develops and oversees the congregational annual budget. Works with the Treasurer and bookkeeper to ensure monthly financial obligations are met. Manages congregation's investments and keeps congregation apprised of status.

Worship and Music Committee
Works with the Pastor to ensure all services are conducted in harmony with Lutheran worship practices and traditions. Oversees congregational choir, musical instruments, and Altar Guild.

Christian Education Committee
Coordinates with the Pastor on the organization, promotion, and supervision of educational opportunities of the congregation; ensures the church is consistent with Lutheran beliefs while expanding our understanding of God’s work in the world.

Parish Life Committee
Coordinates social activities and entertainment for the church such as family outings, non-wedding receptions, funeral receptions for members, dinners, and holiday parties. Coordinates prayer and spiritual needs by overseeing the upkeep of the Prayer List.

Mutual Ministry Committee
Advises and supports the Pastor throughout their ministry to the church. Keeps the council apprised of the mutual ministry of the congregation and the pastor’s efforts, provides recommendations for areas of special emphasis moving forward.